Emotion and Focus
Helen Nissenbaum
Not Available
The Semantics of Destructive LISP
Ian A Mason
Non-Well-Founded Sets
Peter Aczel
A Manual of Intensional Logic
Johan van Benthem
Attribute-Value Logic and the Theory of Grammar
Mark Johnson
Partiality, Truth and Persistence
Tore Langholm
The Situation in Logic
Jon Barwise
Experiencer Subjects in South Asian Languages
Manindra K Verma and 3 more
Propositional Attitudes
C Anthony Anderson and 1 more
Situation Theory and Its Applications, Volume 2
Jon Barwise and 3 more
Logics of Time and Computation
Robert Goldblatt
Mathematics of Modality
Feature Logics, Infinitary Descriptions, and Grammar
Bill Keller
Computational Models of American Speech
M Margaret Withgott and 1 more
Sociolinguistic Variation
Jennifer Arnold
Linguistic Databases
John Nerbonne
Computing Natural Language
Atocha AlisedaLlera and 2 more
Grammatical Semantics
Tara Mohanan and 2 more
Ancient and Medieval Traditions in the Exact Sciences
Patrick Lucie Stern professor of Philosophy at Stanford University Suppes
Surfaces and Superposition
Ernest W Adams
Logical Perspectives on Language and Information
Cleo Condoravdi
Collaborative Language Engineering
Stephan Oepen
The Philosophical Status of Diagrams
Mark Greaves
Sentence Processing in East Asian Languages
Mineharu Nakayama
Logic, Language and Computation, Volume 3
Patrick Blackburn
Semantic Interfaces
Carlo Cecchetto
Lexical-Functional Grammar
Yehuda N Falk
Interpreting Davidson
Petr Kotatko
Explaining Beliefs
Anthonie Meijers
Mathematical Reasoning with Diagrams
Mateja Jamnik
Stochastic Causality
Maria Carla Galavotti
Foundations of Real-World Intelligence
Yoshinori Uesaka and 3 more
On the Formal Way to Chinese Languages
SzeWing Tang
Words, Proofs and Diagrams
David BarkerPlummer
Postverbal Behavior
Thomas Wasow
Unsettling Obligations
Allen W Wood
Information Sharing
Kees van Deemter
Algebras, Diagrams and Decisions in Language, Logic and Computation
Kees Vermeulen
Kees van Deemter and 1 more
Form and Meaning in Language
Charles Fillmore
Selected Papers on Computer Languages
Donald E Knuth
Handbook for Language Engineers
Ali Farghaly
Logic, Convention, and Common Knowledge
Paul F Syverson
Meaning, Basic Self-Knowledge, and Mind
Maria Frapolli
Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics
Diane University of Leeds Nelson
Games, Logic, and Constructive Sets
Grigori Mints
The Nature of Explanation in Linguistic Theory
John Moore
New Perspectives on Case Theory
Ellen Brandner
Diane Carlita Nelson and 1 more
Donald Ervin Knuth
Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
John Moore and 1 more
Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases
Bibhat K Mandal
Reference and the Rational Mind
Kenneth A Taylor
Words and Structure
Jane Grimshaw
The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction
Claudia Bianchi
A Philosophical Introduction to Probability
Handbook of French Semantics
Francis Corblin
Language and Grammar
Claudia Casadio
The Possibility of Language
Maria Cerezo
Reference and Quantification
Gregory N Carlson
Constructions in Acquisition
Eve V Clark
Optimal Communication
Reinhard Blutner
Relevant Linguistics, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Paul W Justice
The Unity of Unbounded Dependency Constructions
Robert D Levine and 1 more
Thomas Bolander and 3 more
Tarski's World: Revised and Expanded
Jon Barwise and 2 more
SzeWing Tang and 1 more
Reasoning, Rationality and Probability
Meaning, Intentions, and Argumentation
Kepa Korta
Generalized Galois Logics
Katalin Bimbo and 1 more
Perspectives on Contexts
Paolo Bouquet
Statement and Referent
David Shwayder
The Social Basis of Medicine
Andrew Russell
Online Deliberation
Todd Davies
Grammar, Geometry, and Brain
Jens Erik Fenstad
Fundamental Issues in the Romance Languages
Daniele Godard
Reality Exploration and Discovery
Linda Ann Uyechi and 1 more
Logic and Pragmatism
Claudia Arrighi and 3 more
Selected Papers on Fun and Games
Language from a Cognitive Perspective
Emily M Bender
Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth
Reference and Reflexivity
John Perry
Identity, Language, and Mind
Albert Newen
Emergency Medicine
Chris Royal Bolton Hospital and 5 more
Epidemiology, Evidence-Based Medicine and Public Health
Yoav BenShlomo and 3 more
A Computational Introduction to Linguistics
Almerindo E Ojeda
Sign-Based Construction Grammar
Hans C Boas and 1 more
Attitudes De Se
Neil Feit
Individual Differences in Online Computer-based Learning
Patrick Suppes
New Studies in Weak Arithmetics
Patrick Cegielski
Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat
Ray Clarke and 1 more
Gautam Gulati and 2 more
The Core and the Periphery
Philip Hofmeister
Foundations and Methods from Mathematics to Neuroscience
Colleen E Crangle
Acquaintance, Knowledge, and Logic
Donovan Wishon
Ian Todd and 3 more
General Surgery
Harold Ellis and 2 more
R A C GrahamBrown and 3 more
Studies in Weak Arithmetics
Mathematical Structures in Languages
Edward L Keenan and 1 more
Clinical Medicine
John Bradley and 2 more
Lecture Notes : Nephrology
Surjit Tarafdar
John P Blandy
P R Patel
Lecture Notes. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Gerard A McKay and 2 more
Jonathan C Darling and 2 more
Deborah Hay and 3 more
Acute Medicine
Glenn Matfin
Ellis and Calne's Lecture Notes in General Surgery
Harold Ellis
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Amir H Sam and 2 more
Bruce James and 2 more
Idiomatic Expressions and Grammatical Constructions
Paul Kay and 5 more
Logic, Information and Agency
Revealing Structure
Eugene Buckley
Miriam Butt